#23: Defining Your Success

In this episode, we're going to dive into success - what does success look like to you?  We'll also discover an opportunity to realign, envision, and gain clarity in understanding your definition of success so you can step into the life you are dreaming of and be in alignment with your higher Self.

I’m pretty sure that for all of us, success is something that we all strive for in some way. As much as we say we want to be successful in our career and life overall, if you don’t take the time to truly envision what it looks and feels like, and most importantly take action, then success will be that much more difficult to achieve.

Finding some inner clarity as to what defines success for you can only then help you put more purpose into your days and lead you to living in alignment with your higher self, your true nature.  And part of finding inner clarity is asking yourself what is your vision of success, what does it feel like and… what is your why?


Want a 15 minute guided visualization for success?  Check out my online business mentor's free audio here. https://dg101.isrefer.com/go/before/rebeccarankin/

Want to grab my free journal prompts to help you align with your needs and desires each phase of your cycle?  Grab it herehttps://www.rebeccarankinyoga.com/journalprompts