Life is too short to accept that being slightly miserable, overwhelmed, & exhausted is normal.


Our cyclical nature empowers us to make more mindful choices each day.  It's our inner guidance system.


When you tap into greater physical & mental health, your body becomes a resource for creating the life you want to live.



Like you, I have many roles that I step into: yoga teacher, Reiki master, sound practitioner, women's holistic hormone health coach, podcaster, mother, wife, entrepreneur. But in truth, I am infinitely more than these roles.

And so are you.

Society often confines us within predefined boxes, yet we need not remain bound by them. Let's liberate ourselves from societal expectations and embrace the fulfilling lives we truly deserve.

Come with me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unwavering confidence."


Together, we're finding our way back home to ourselves.





Upon graduating from the University of Michigan with a degree in architecture, I moved to San Francisco to pursue a new career in the design field. It was 2003 in San Francisco where I began my yoga practice. I found a new passion; a passion for my own self awareness and self-realization. This commenced my journey; transforming my life of design into a life of healing and helping others.

Since completing my 500+ Hour Ghosh Lineage Yoga teacher training course in 2006, I continued to study and become certified in other styles of yoga and movement practices including Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga, and Pilates.  I am a E-RYT 500 registered yoga teacher and a Yoga Alliance Continued Education Provider.  I am forever grateful for all of my teachers along the way including Mary Jarvis, Jason Crandell, and Tiffany Cruikshank. 

I have been able to travel and share my passion throughout the United States, as well as Europe and Central America leading retreats and co-leading yoga teacher trainings. 

With a thirst for knowledge, I continued to study alternative stress relief and healing modalities.  I have trained and certified in Sound Healing and offer monthly Sound Journeys, and I am also a Reiki Master offering 1:1 Reiki & Sound Healing Sessions.

When a health 'wake-up call' had me looking for more answers to optimize my health, I expanded my focus in Women's Wellness and became a certified Women's Holistic Hormone Health Practitioner. I facilitate Women's Circles, work 1:1 with clients to create action plans for hormonal well-being, create Cyclical Living courses, and have created a podcast - The Women's Moon Wisdom Podcast.    I knew it was necessary to create tools where women can apply the  wisdom of their cycles to regulate their experiences in their bodyMind and feel supported along the way.

I practiced yoga throughout my pregnancies up until I gave birth, and I credit all the time meditating and on my yoga mat to having enjoyable pregnancies and being able to stay focused and in the present moment with my young daughter and son.

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The Women's Moon Wisdom App

The Cyclical Living Self-Care App designed to assist you in handling stress, increasing energy, fostering spiritual growth, and developing lifestyle habits that nurture your well-being.


"Rebecca’s light shines so brightly. Her wisdom, acceptance and authenticity is so palpable and really transformative.   And Rebecca’s honest acceptance is the antithesis of fitness trainers who expect you to train often and hard. Instead, she encourages you to celebrate every time you make for yourself."  

Jenny Z

"I have all the respect in the world for Rebecca as a yoga teacher. She reminds us to respect ourselves and where we are physically and mentally during each practice.  Her wisdom applies not only to learning on the yoga mat but to life as well.  Her love of yoga and improving physical and mental strength and health is inspirational." 

Jodie G

Deepen your intuition & reconnect to your cyclical nature.