Yoga in the Time of Social Distancing

Aug 24, 2020

Times are tough right now.  We are social creatures and yet, we are living in a time where being in physical connection with each other isn't a possibility.  

Our yoga practice looks a bit different these days, whether it is practicing outdoors, or spaced apart within the studio, or practicing virtually.  We are beginning to get used to these different ways to maintain our practice.  No matter what your practice looks like these day, and no matter where you find yourself unrolling your mat, please remember that you are doing great work for yourself. 

We must remember to not be so harsh on ourselves and each other.  In these uncertain times, be kind to yourself and be thankful that you are still unrolling your mat and working with yourself to be the best version of yourself.  Thank yourself for just showing up.

At the core of all of us, there exists calm and peace.   Our true nature can be momentarily hidden by anxiety, anger, stress, and worries, but it still continues to exist within.  It just takes time to find what we already are.

You.  Empowered by YOUR Female Biochemistry.

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